

About Caregivers Coffee

Taking care of others starts with taking care of yourself.

So  glad you're here!

Caregivers Coffee is a place for people who care- for their families, their aging parents, and themselves. Let’s start making caregiving less overwhelming and a lot more rewarding, one small impactful step at a time. So, pour yourself a cup and let’s start navigating this caregiving journey.

My Story

Why I started Caregivers Coffee: 

After 20 years as a nurse, 17 of those as a Nurse Anesthetist, I’ve seen so many families caught off guard when a parent has a fall, a stroke, or some life altering event that changes the trajectory of their quality of life. It’s heartbreaking to watch loved ones scramble, often feeling lost and out of the loop about their parent’s medical history- or even their own. As someone in the Sandwich Generation myself, I understand how overwhelming it can be to support aging parents with their care while raising kids, managing work, and still trying to find time for yourself.

My hope is to make caregiving feel less stressful and more approachable by sharing simple, actionable steps and creating a supportive space where we can figure this out together. We can make this journey of caregiving easier and more meaningful. 

will hold 
myself to a 
standard of grace, not
Emily Ley

Caregivers Coffee is about approachable, real-world solutions that address self care and care for our loved ones.

We are all about...

We are not about perfection, heavy reads, or unattainable standards. We all need more connection and support around caregiving. 

We shy away from...

Dream Vacation

Our favorite family trip was an amazing Alaskan cruise. From the Hubbard Glacier, to whale watching in Icy Straits, every day was an adventure. We loved Juneau and Ketchikan as much as we enjoyed relaxing on the ship. Let's talk about family vacations.

Wet Dog Kisses

Mariah, our crazy sweet rescue dog, keeps all of us on our toes. We fell in love with her from day one. Family pets can play a vital role in elderly care. Lets talk about how family pets can add to the circle of care.

Our Wild Boys

Living in a house full of boys is an adventure all of its own! With a six year difference between our active boys, finding common ground can be a challenge. Recharging together helps us nurture one another. Let's talk about taking care of our kids and our parents.

Afternoon Coffee

I LOVE an afternoon cup of coffee! This is truly a guilty pleasure and something I genuinely enjoy. We all need a moment to unwind and reset for the remainder of the day. Let's talk about self-care and taking the time to recharge ourselves.

My favorite things